Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Friends (Quakers) and Women, by Bill Samuel -

Friends (Quakers) and Women, by Bill Samuel -

See also on the same site the page on Margaret Fell, and her 17th century: "Women's Speaking"

Other Materials on Quakers and Women:

Forty-Seven Years Before the Woman's Bible: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Congregational Friends. Woman's Bible Centennial Conference, Seneca Falls, NY, November 4, 1995. By Christopher Densmore

About.Com: The Quaker religion accepted women's leadership early, and many women's rights advocates have been Quakers. Here are some important connections between Quakers and women's history.

autobiographical sketch written by Lucetia Mott is taken from the Pendle Hill Pamphlet, "Lucretia Mott Speaking: Excerpts from the Sermons & Speeches of a Famous Nineteenth Century Quaker Minister & Reformer," compiled and edited by Margaret Hope Bacon (Pendle Hill Pamphlet #234, 1980).

Twentieth Century Organizations Founded By Individual Quakers or Groups of Quakers or Quakers in Other Groups
By Sally Rickerman, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Quakers and the Political Process

Note: Be sure also to investigate Unitarianismism with respect to women & reform since many of the Chase sisters' friends & associates were Unitarians. (Also, check religious affiliation of members of the board of supporting agencies?)


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